Monday 29 April 2013

Week 8- Tranquillity and Serenity

Tranquillity and Serenity

The calming sounds of the cheerful birds,

The soft twittering of the dragon flies,

The refreshing splash of the water as the birds flock to a nearby tree,

This is what is calming to me.


To me personally, I really value the opportunity to sit and be with my thoughts in a calm and relaxing environment. Whether it is being on the sand at the beach, lying on a picnic rug on a nice piece of grass, admiring a spectacular waterfall or just sitting quietly in front of a lake, the opportunity to sit and be still is one to be valued and treasured.

Having the ability to immerse oneself into a different environment, to disconnect from other aspects of life for just a few moments is to have the ability to connect with oneself but also to connect with the environment in which one is immersed in.

Often when I feel stressed and overwhelmed I will go for a run along the river or sit in the sun amongst the trees in front of the lake. There is something about being outside that leaves me feeling less structured and freer to do as I choose. Being able to sit in the sun and have the sun take away all stress and anxiety often leaves me feeling relaxed and helps me to put things into perspective; for it is the connection with nature that often leaves me understanding that my world, and furthermore, my life, is only a tiny part in the universe. As a young person I believe we often get caught up in our own little worlds, at times completely ignorant of the real issues facing people around us on a local and global scale. It was through observing the different animals at the lake, seeing their circle of life, how they live, eat and defend themselves that puts my life and my worries into perspective.

I find myself getting caught up on making sure things in my life are done by a certain time- in a sense creating a timeline for my life. But as I grow older the more I realise that it really doesn’t matter how long it takes you to do something, as long as you enjoy what you are doing. Life is not about the destination, but about the journey. It is the things that you to trying to get to your destination, that is living- all the little things in between. For if we look at the end goal of life, it is that we die and join God in heaven, but if that was all we focused on, then we wouldn’t even enjoy our lives, which is the entirety of our journey. Thus, my main aim in life is to enjoy every moment of my life and to not get hung up on timelines, but to ensure that everything that I do is what I want, and that it makes me happy and satisfied to do it.

Both Images were taken by myself

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